The intent is to push integration requests to the highest level of understanding as possible. Each application domain will have their own topics of requeusts that need to be able to be handled by the set of domain specific adapters. Your application and the adapters are totally free to chose topics, requests and interactions to best get the job done.
Some adapters are static and simply push events and metrics into Gehyra on a regular basis. Others are more dynamic and respond to the needs of the application in real time. Most applications will at least need some form of searching, fetching and interacting with an integrated device or service. This overview describes how the work pipeline manages and processes these types of requests.
Searching, Fetching and Interacting
Action dispatchers create a work job that is queued into a Job Collection. You can dispatch a SearchJob
that will use all registered search services on a given topic to get a list of results to fetch. You can dispatch or schedule a FetchJob
to retrieve some content then parse and store its information. You can dispatch an InteractJob
to perform some task by interacting with a network service.
- dispatchSearch :: Topic, Params -> SearchJob
- dispatchFetch :: URL -> FetchJob
- dispatchInteract :: URL -> InteractJob
- scheduleFetch :: URL, Schedule -> FetchJob
Workers monitor the Job Collection and then process each particular type of job. They are responsible for updating progress on the job and correctly reporting back any errors on the job.
- processSearchJob :: SearchJob -> FetchJobs
- processFetchJob :: FetchJob -> Knowledge, [FetchJobs]
- processInteractJob :: InteractJob -> Knowledge
Domain Specific Adapters
The requesting, fetching, parsing and storing of information is typically domain specific. An Adapter
is used to define how to perform these activities for a given domain and URL template. When registering an Adapter
the functions to perform these activities are defined.
- registerAdapter ::
Searching and Fetching Content
When processing a SearchJob
- findUrls :: Topic, Params -> URLs
When processing a FetchJob
- findAdapter :: URL -> Adapter
- setupRequest :: URL -> Request
- fetchRequest :: Request -> Content
- parseContent :: Content -> Information
- storeInformation :: Infomation -> Collection | FileCollection
When fetching a Request
- readFromCache ::
- readFromNetwork ::
- readFromBrowser ::
Parsing information out of Content
When parsing Content
- parseHTML ::
- parseCSV ::
- parseCSVMarkup ::
- domCheck ::
- domSelect ::
When parsing HTML
- isHTML ::
- combine ::
- parseRegex ::
- getFieldType ::
- getSelectedHtmlElements ::
- getValuesOfElements ::
Learning from the parsed content
When learning using Natuaral Language
- defineKnowledge ::
- normalizeString ::
- compactArray ::
compactFlatArray ::
extractIdeas ::
- extractSentances ::
- extractTerms ::
extractNgrams ::
refineIdeas ::
- chooseAll ::
- chooseAllWithout ::
- chooseLast ::
When storing Information
for later recall.
- storeContent :: Content -> Collection Knowledge
- storeData :: Data -> Collection Knowledge
- storeFile :: URL -> FileCollection Knowledge
Interacting with network services
When processing an InteractJob
- interactWithBrowser ::
- storeInformation :: Infomation -> Collection | FileCollection